Earlier this month, there was a chance to get a preview of how the autocar and its trailer will look when operational. The autocar is the world’s first non-steam powered railcar and the pioneer of internal combustion and electric propulsion. It is being restored at the Embsay & Bolton Abbey Railway in Yorkshire.

An extensive shunt at Embsay station, where the restoration is based, allowed the pair to be seen next to each other outside the restoration shed for the first time. Before entering the shed, they had been stored separately, under heavy, overall, tarpaulins. Inside the shed, space and angles are limited and photography difficult.

As can be seen, restoration is in progress on both vehicles. The NER 1903 Autocar Trust was fortunate to obtain three grants, including one of £465,800 from the Heritage Lottery Fund. These have allowed rapid restoration and the autocar and trailer are expected to be operational by 2015.

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